Český Objektiv


A whistle stop tour to life in two of the newest Countries to join the EU!

Some members of our team have lived here all of their lives (with the exception of travelling and working in UK), whilst others have been visiting these Countries for the past 9 years.

Considering the changes that have taken place just in that time, one could be forgiven for thinking it was a lifetime. Accession to EU, changing political climate, progressive governments, investment on an unprecedented scale, fast generation of economic wealth and increased standard of living - the list of changes is endless.

Western ideals and culture have no doubt contributed to Czech and Slovakia becoming the two current fastest growing economies in the EU. It's not difficult to see why – everywhere you look are signs of conversion with the Western Europe attitudes and on many occasions, positive unwarranted excess [in Czech there are two Big Brothers on TV and much raunchier]! Greater consumption has gone hand in hand with increased variety of goods on offer, resulting in heightened consumer awareness [and thus increased consumer power] and changing attitudes. A desire to protect and improve ‘ones lot' is at the hub of the consumer boom and ‘trading up' - an attitude of ‘keeping up with the Jones' certainly prevails. All of this makes perfect sense when compared to what life might have been like 17 years ago. It is pleasing to see despite the changes, a strong sense of national identity remains.

Of course there are the bad points. Political scandals, talk of ongoing corruption, continued heavy bureaucracy, growth in the divide between rich and poor and rising resentment held by those in society who feel the gravy train left them standing on the platform. However these issues are largely no different to that found in any other Western European society. In any event, a fairer environment for all as a result of the EU derived policy will become more prevalent in future, together with a greater degree in political correctness. The stark lack of political correctness in the Republics may be regarded as symptomatic of a less well developed society by some. The fact remains Miss Czech Republic still attracts the highest TV ratings.



designed by AGIONET

Members of CEREAN

Czech before you buy s.r.o. – Converting requirements into reality